Design Team Appointed for £25 million Custom House Quay and Carlton Place Project
We are delighted to be part of the multidisciplinary team working on the Custom House Quay waterfront development project in Glasgow. This project will create an attractive waterfront area that will reconnect the River Clyde to the city centre and reactivate the river frontage.
The project, which is planned for completion in 2024, will include the expansion of the north bank embankment outside the Grade A-listed Custom House to create a waterfront area, a hotel, a series of mixed-use development plots, a new park on the south bank at Carlton Place and enhanced public realm and access along the river.
The team will be led by architects Hawkins/Brown. Atelier Ten will be providing the fire engineering and environmental analysis for this exciting project that will regenerate both banks of the River Clyde at Custom House Quay and unlock the potential of this key city centre site.