The Future of Carbon Neutral Design
Join Kristen DiStefano at the 2019 AIASF NEXT conference on Thursday, June 25, 2019 to discuss “The Future of Carbon Neutral Design.”
As the urgency to address climate change and halt greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) continues to grow, designers have a responsibility to make smart design decisions to minimize their buildings’ GHG emissions. The steps to designing a carbon-smart building are two-fold: minimize embodied carbon and bring operational carbon to zero.
Building on our expertise in energy analysis Atelier Ten, in conjunction with WattTime, has created a process to make carbon-based recommendations at every stage of design. Kristen will discuss the methodology for more accurately predicting operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions using hourly emissions data. She will be joined by Henry Richardson, Senior Analyst of WattTime, to discuss a holistic carbon profile of the built environment. She’ll share the cutting-edge tools and processes that design teams can use to design carbon out of their projects.
Thursday, June 27,2 019
The Future of Carbon Neutral Design
10:30 AM – Noon