The Jackson Laboratory wins IES Illumination Award of Merit
The Jackson Laboratory won a 2015 Illuminating Engineering Society Award of Merit for public area lighting. Working with Centerbrook, Atelier Ten provided lighting design for the high-profile interior spaces to enhance the visual experience of building occupants and visitors. The lighting system enhances visual quality while minimizing connected lighting power density and lighting energy use. Vertical surfaces are illuminated where appropriate to enhance the sense of brightness and openness. The lighting system provides average illuminance levels in keeping with IESNA recommendations. Advanced lighting controls minimize electric lighting energy through the use of daylight sensors, occupancy and vacancy sensors, programmable dimming, schedule based controls. Luminaires use primarily high efficacy, long life, high color rendering linear fluorescent, compact fluorescent, and LEDs.
Atelier Ten’s New Haven lighting design team includes Mark Loeffler, Chad Groshart, Rebecca Mintz, Catherine Leskowat, Lucas Wihlborg and Caitlin Toczko.
Find out more information here.