Our Health and Well-Being Journey at Greenbuild
Our healthy building experts are part of the Health and Well-Being Journey at Greenbuild 2018 to share how we design buildings that keep both humans and the environment in good shape.
7 Reasons Microbiomes are Critical to the Future of the Built Environment
Amy Leedham, Senior Environmental Designer, will discuss the influence of microbiological communities on our built environment supported by the research conducted by Jane Flint, a Professor in Princeton University’s Molecular Biology Department. By discussing the scientific research and the applications in the built environment, this session will provide a holistic overview of cultivating healthy microbiological communities. Jane will define the human microbiome and Amy will highlight the overlap between this microscopic world and our built environment including how the WELL Building Standard quantifies a building’s contribution to occupant well-being.
Thursday, November 15 from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
The Experiential Perimeter Zone
Kristen DiStefano, Associate Director, joins Judith Heerwagen of the U.S. General Services Administration and Gail Brager, Ph.D of UC Berkeley’s Center for the Built Environment for this panel. They will discuss the occupant experience within the perimeter zone of the interior. These spaces offer a multitude of opportunities for sensory delight including views, access to daylight, and fresh air, and can pose challenges including glare and thermal discomfort. The panel will discuss how to design for thermal delight and enhance the user experience within these spaces.
Wednesday, November 14 from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM