Larry Jones Named 2017 LEED Fellow

Atelier Ten is pleased to announce the appointment of Associate Director Larry Jones to LEED Fellow, a distinguished honor awarded to outstanding LEED professionals exemplifying mastery, advocacy, and influence in the world’s most widely used green building rating system.

Each year, the Green Business Certification, Inc. (GBCI) recognizes a select cohort of experts with its most prestigious designation through a rigorous review by the LEED Fellow Evaluation Committee. Nominated by their peers, LEED Fellows must demonstrate at least ten years of exceptional leadership in the green building industry and hold a LEED AP with specialty credentials, among other requirements. Larry is one of twenty-three Fellows recognized this year for their dedication and expertise. His appointment to LEED Fellow marks the sixth Atelier Ten induction into this prestigious group of professionals, including Directors Nico Kienzl, Paul Stoller, Mark Loeffler, Claire Maxfield, and Associate Director Emilie Hagen.

Playing an integral role in the development of LEED, Larry has been a key member of USGBC committees and advisory groups that have helped shape the benchmarking system into the influential framework it is today. This role spans his involvement in the creation and development of the Stock Reviewer Language, including a thorough review of the BD+C system, the identification of key required documentation, common mistakes found on applications, and drafting language to be used by reviewers when compiling LEED review reports; assisting in the development of the LEED 2009 system; steering the creation of the State of Connecticut Regional Priority Credits; leading the creation of new, alternative compliance paths for international LEED projects that use the US system; and refining LEED management processes, including calculation tools, design tracking methods, construction management plans, and monitoring and submittal processes.

Inspired by the welfare of future generations and the betterment of an evolving world, Larry began his commitment to green building design as an environmental engineer. Since joining Atelier Ten in 2006, he has spearheaded the sustainability efforts of more than two hundred projects across the globe striving for the highest levels of building performance. His extensive, global portfolio includes achieving the ambitious sustainability aspirations for projects such as the LEED Platinum certified Class of 1978 Life Sciences Center at Dartmouth College; the Net Zero Energy and Water target and LEED Platinum target Frick Park Environmental Center; the Yale School of Medicine C-Wing 3rd Floor Renovation, which was the first laboratory in the world to achieve LEED Gold certification under the LEED for Commercial Interiors system; the LEED Platinum 360 State Street tower, which achieved Platinum as the first LEED for Neighborhood development in the City of New Haven and the State of Connecticut; the LEED Gold target Harvard University Lowell House Renewal, which will utilize phase change materials and circadian rhythm lighting in the student dormitories, as well as four other Harvard River House Renewals; the LEED Gold target new Sandy Hook Elementary School; and many more. Having a demonstrated record of excellence consistently delivering exemplary green buildings, Larry serves as an internal benchmarking expert for LEED, Estidama, and the Living Building Challenge. As the director overseeing Atelier Ten’s Environmental Design Practice, he has advanced the technical proficiency and research acumen of the practice, further solidifying its standing in the industry.

Larry will join the 2017 Class of LEED Fellows at the Greenbuild USGBC Leadership Awards Luncheon on Thursday, November 9 in Boston, MA.

For more information, please click here
