Chad Groshart appointed WELL AP

We are pleased to announce that Chad Groshart, Associate Director of New Haven, is among the first group of individuals to earn the WELL Accredited Professionals (WELL AP) title through the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), placing him among a group of leading professionals who are dedicated to supporting human health and well-being in the built environment.

The WELL AP credential is the new, leading credential signifying advanced knowledge of health and well-being in the built environment and specialization in the WELL Building Standard (WELL). WELL is a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact the health and well-being of the people who live, work and learn in the buildings.

As a WELL AP, Chad successfully completed the WELL AP exam demonstrating his proficiency in the field of design, health, and wellness in the built environment. Additionally, Chad has been appointed WELL Faculty, which is a designation that recognizes professionals who are experienced educators with a strong background in both WELL and professional education. As WELL Faculty, Chad will carry out the responsibility to educate the building design community on heathy buildings and WELL.

Prior to becoming a WELL AP, Chad led the Atelier Ten team to provide peer review for the Introduction and Light Sections of the Standard. He had been a part of a select group of industry leaders, who contributed to the development of the WELL AP exam using GBCI’s rigorous test development best practices, as well as participated in a number of public presentations on wellness and lighting with IWBI.
