King Street Car Park Masterplan slider image
King Street Car Park Masterplan slider image
King Street Car Park Masterplan slider image

King Street Car Park Masterplan

with Stallan-Brand

An urban framework and mixed-use masterplan is being devised for this gap site that includes a vast area bounded by Osborne Street, King Street, Bridgegate and Stockwell Street, to deliver a mix of flats, commercial and leisure uses, underpinned by overarching public realm enhancements led by Oobe.

Proposals will lead to the transformation of King Street car park, near the St Enoch Centre, into apartments, shops, office and leisure space.

The 5.4 acre site, found close to the River Clyde and the Merchant City, borders King Street, Osborne Street, Stockwell Street, Bridgegate and Howard Street.

This development will create a vibrant urban quarter that is active throughout the day and evening hours. The mix of uses and activities on the site will be unified by a high quality and versatile public realm and active uses at ground floor. New streets and spaces will be informed by the distinct character of the wider Merchant City. A nuanced grid of tight streets with a strong sense of enclosure will become a natural extension of the network of streets and wynds that characterise the area.